Why AI is the new electricity?-Data Science Journey 2#

Sevval Hatice ÖTER
3 min readOct 6, 2022

After the 21st century digital transformation, one of our biggest goal is create time for truly live(spending time with our loved ones,read more books,travel etc.) by automating our work.

While I was doing research to live my life more humanly and to be a part of this change by learning AI Algorithms in the direction of my knowledge in the STEM field, I found myself reading this quote by Andrew Ng, the founder of deeplearning.ai, and wondered.

Why did Andrew NG call artificial intelligence is the new electricity?

— Here are the reasons I found.

  1. We can produce more value than we produce with our biological time.

One of the most important tool of humanity to find time and extend the working hours was electricity. Access to electricity by every individual of the public has extended the working hours of the factories and enabled scientists to discover new technologies without being dependent on the sundial .Thanks to artificial intelligence such as electricity, factories can work 24/7 with iot products regardless of human working hours (called industry 4.0).

2.Artificial intelligence, like electricity, causes a new Industrial revolution (and we call it Industry 4.0.)

Let’s define Third Industrial Revolution as the use of electricity in mass production ,transfer of electronic technologies to digital technology in the production process. With Industry 4.0; we use machines, computers, sensors and other integrated computer systems in factories exchange information with each other and the optimize the target (production, efficiency, error, etc.) Technology and IOT optimize and coordinate to make themselves almost completely independent of humans.

3.Cause changes in job descriptions and industries globally

After the discovery of electricity and mass production increased, workers had to change jobs and industries.

“AI software will be in direct competition with a lot of people for jobs,” says Andrew Ng,

about the change that will happen when artificial intelligence makes the necessary progress.

4.Increasing importance of new competencies

Just as people with different competencies gained importance in the industry after the discovery of electricity, artificial intelligence should develop a way to re-skill people whose jobs were taken by computer algorithms.Examples of these competencies are data literacy, digital fluency, Leadership, etc.

Thanks for reading .

XOXO Sevval Hatıce OTER.



Sevval Hatice ÖTER

YTÜ Matematik | YET-GEN 2021–1 Trainee && 2021–3 LİDER| |https://linktr.ee/sevvalhaticeoter